JOBOP - Sprint Job

Tony Hammitt thammitt at
Mon Oct 23 21:41:06 CDT 2000

Jeez, did this actually happen?  That's terrible!  Sorry to see that
d00dz are wasting your time, but this reminds me of the Dilbert cartoons
where people were sending in resumes written in crayon or "Wow!  Look,
Dot-Matrix!"  You should anomymize the funny ones and post them to the
list.  I'm sure we'd all get a kick out of them.

Someone sending in 'h3y d00d g1mm3 4 j0b!!' shows a total lack of
maturity and respect, and it's NOT what you should expect just because
you sent in the offer to Linux lists.  I feel ashamed to be asociated
with anyone who would do something like that, even if it's only that
we're on the same list.  College is good for teaching humility and
respect.  Oh yea, and also some practical knowledge...


Tony Hammitt

Jeffrey Watts wrote:
> Two notes, since some folks had trouble with this.  First, send emails to
> me, watts at  Second, my opinion matters in this, so I suggest
> that you at least make an attempt to use grammar, punctuation marks (like
> those little "." things), and run the whole mess by a spelling checker.  I
> don't like dewDz, I don't like d00dspeek, and I don't want to work with
> them, so if I even sense a d00d, your resume goes to /dev/null.
> I'm not going to go over your resume like a 10th grade English teacher,
> but considering this is a important job demanding a professional, bad
> English skills won't help you.
> J.
> o-----------------------------------o
> | Jeffrey Watts                     |
> | watts at         o-----------------------------------------o
> | Systems Programmer         | "Hoo-wee different color iMacs...       |
> | Network Systems Management |  excuse me while iYawn with iBoredom.   |
> | Sprint Communications      |  They're still iSlow and catch on       |
> o----------------------------|  iFire."                                |
>                              |  -- An anonymous Be, Inc. employee      |
>                              o-----------------------------------------o

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd. -- Voltaire

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