still havin probs :)

Jeffrey Watts watts at
Sun Oct 22 22:37:09 CDT 2000

> On Sun, 22 Oct 2000, will goodman wrote:
> > Invalid session number or type of track
> > Kernal panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:45

Heh, forgot to answer this part -- I think this is the kernel panicking
because it can't find the root filesystem.  It's possible that something
has gone wrong with the partitioning, or that there is something wrong
with the Linux filesystem.  I'd try using a Linux bootdisk and using the
option "root=/dev/hda3" or whatever your root filesystem is.  That might
help you figure out the problem.  Don't worry about any complaints on
module version numbers you might see -- they're from the possible fact
that the disk's kernel and the modules in /lib/modules might be different


| Jeffrey Watts                     |
| watts at         o-------------------------------------------o
| Systems Programmer         | "Is uniformity [of religion] attainable?  |
| Network Systems Management |  Millions of innocent men, women, and     |
| Sprint Communications      |  children, since the introduction of      |
o----------------------------|  Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, |
                             |  fined, imprisoned; yet we have not       |
                             |  advanced one inch towards uniformity.    |
                             |  -- Thomas Jefferson, "Notes on Virginia" |

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