still havin probs :)

Jeffrey Watts watts at
Sun Oct 22 22:21:01 CDT 2000

On Sun, 22 Oct 2000, will goodman wrote:

> Invalid session number or type of track
> Kernal panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:45

> also, what would be the best way to partition a 30 Gb drive just for
> linux usage

Well, for Linux+Windows use I've had a lot of success with the following
4-partition layout (all done on Linux using fdisk, of course):

hda1	30MB	/boot		type 83
hda2	---	Windows C:	type b, and mark active "*"
hda3	---	/		type 83
hda4	---	Linux Swap	type 82

Make the "---" areas as big as you want them, and install the following

Using a DOS boot disk (or bootable Windows CD-ROM), boot the computer and
install Windows.  Windows should ignore hda1, hda3, and hda4.  Once this
is done boot the computer with a Linux CD-ROM or floppy and install Linux.  
The reason I'd install Windows first is because it'll waste less of your
time if for some reason Windows hoses the Linux partitions.  The reason
/boot is first is so that you can get under the 1024 cylinder problem.

It's also probably better to keep your swap partition on the outside,
since data transfer speeds are so much faster on the outside of modern
harddisks.  Probably not much of a difference, but hey, it can't hurt.


| Jeffrey Watts                     |
| watts at         o-----------------------------------------o
| Systems Programmer         | "If you want people to take out the     |
| Network Systems Management |  garbage, you have to pay them.  You    |
| Sprint Communications      |  don't have to do that to get people to |
o----------------------------|  program."                              |
                             |  -- Richard Stallman                    |

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