Microsoft To Publish Linux

Ben Webb brwebb at
Thu Aug 24 14:58:03 CDT 2000

I generally try to *not* be this guy, but I can't resist this one.

>(current OS stock, 6 MS OS'es; 15 Linux's, 
>1 Free BSD - 1 Machine with NT for
>wifey and work, 2 Linux, 1 FreeBSD) 

So are these installed machines? If so, are there really 2 FreeBSD machines or is it one?  Is it 15 
or 17 Linux boxes? Is it 6 or 7 MS machines?  I'm guessing you meant that you meant that you have 
liscences for 6 MS OS's, 15 Linux's (oh wait, that doesn't make sense... are these different 
distrobutions?) and one for FreeBSD.  I would have to guess that you meant that you have installed 
NT on one machine, Linux on two machines, and FreeBSD on one machine.

>Interseting side note: this weekend needed to 
>do a powerpoint for work. So I
>e-mailed the skeleton from work 
>(NT); saved it in Linux to a Win98 NTFS

Where is this copy of Win98 installed?  Oh, wait, you can't be right here because Win98 doesn't 
support NTFS. 

Sorry, I generally try not to be like that, but I just couldn't let this slide.  

As an aside, and I hope that Forrest reads this, IBM is (or has?) released a Notes Client for 
Linux, under the LGPL no less.  I don't have a link handy, but It's part of a /. story about IBM's 
new WDE (that's weblication development environment).



"They that can give up liberty in order to obtain a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
                  -Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin R. Webb

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