Success -- MySQL / MyODBC replication

Frank Wiles frank at
Sat Apr 8 03:19:08 CDT 2000

 .------[ Bradley Miller wrote (2000/04/07 at 18:12:46) ]------
 |  You'd be suprised at everything they use there.  I would talk to my
 |  counter-parts at different locations and they would be using ASP with
 |  MS-SQL.  Then there would be other flavors of this, that, and the other.
 |  We were using Netobjects with Homesite for our design work and then
 |  plugging in the Cold Fusion code within Netobjects.  I helped change some
 |  thinking with Netobjects usage and Homesite -- in the way we were doing
 |  things with the code and that.  It's a very large company with lots of
 |  little bits and peices here and there.  Our group was doing stuff before
 |  the steering comittee for web (Intranet) design was going and they were
 |  always ahead of them on what was going on. 

    No offense, but you seem proud of the fact that you run Cold Fusion.
    Read bugtraq lately? Cold Fusion is, to put it bluntly, crap. 

    Netobjects and homesite are the best things in the world, but at
    least the pass themselves off as software. 

    I can't recommend any of these products, however I have to admit I'm
    a big fan of Apache/mod_perl and vi. Maybe I'm just old school... 

  Frank Wiles <frank at>

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