Success -- MySQL / MyODBC install

Jeffrey Watts watts at
Fri Apr 7 20:54:50 CDT 2000

On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Frank Wiles wrote:

>     Last time I checked MySQL was only faster on SELECTs vs. PostgreSQL. 
>     Granted, most database transactions are SELECTs, but if you're doing
>     a lot of data analysis on LOTS of data.  Slow writes become a big
>     pain. 

Actually, it's _really_ fast on INSERTs (no transaction log).  Its SELECT
performance is better on simple queries, w/o constructs like GROUP BY or
complex WHERE structures.  However, it bogs down on complex SQL
statements, generally because it is optimized for simple webform serving.

Most benchmarks that show it kicking ass are showing simple web form
SELECTs, INSERTs, UPDATEs, and DELETEs.  Given the lack of a transaction
log (and other things), the latter three operations are generally faster.


| Jeffrey Watts                     |
| watts at            o-------------------------------------o
| Systems Programmer            | "My wife uses fabric softener.  I   |
| Sprint - Systems Management   |  never knew what that stuff was     |
o-------------------------------|  for.  Then I noticed women were    |
                                |  coming up to me (sniff) 'Married'  |
                                |  (walk off).  That's how they mark  |
                                |  their territory. You can take off  |
                                |  that ring, but it's hard to get    |
                                |  that April fresh scent out of your |
                                |  clothes."                          |
                                |  -- Unknown                         |

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