Success -- MySQL / MyODBC install

Jeffrey Watts watts at
Fri Apr 7 20:49:12 CDT 2000

On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, michael d hoskins wrote:

> The main solution I see here is to force yourself to do all work
> through a custom API which forces some kind of "transaction" system:  
> have unique keys, some extra programming code, and a log or a buffer
> for your transactions that includes some kind of home brew
> checkpointing.

Yeah, you can accomplish a lot of this via temporary tables.  However,
it's a real pain.

> I don't believe in having extremely important productional data in
> MySQL, just as I don't believe in putting extremely important
> productional data on 4mm tapes.  I'd totally suggest MySQL to small
> and some medium ecommerce sites, provided steps above are taken.  I'd
> never suggest that Sprint long distance use it for productional data,
> although internal data would usually be OK, especially as a
> replacement to Access.

Yes, I completely agree.  It's very well suited to websites that serve up
a lot of static data - like /. - I just get concerned when I see people
trying to do ecommerce on it though.

> Access has weird compliancy issues.

Welcome to the world of Microsoft.  :-)

> I can't remember if FMPro finally got SQL built in, or not.  Is FMPro
> finally truly relational, allowing for many-to-one, one-to many, and
> many-to-many relationships?

It's been too long since I played with it, I can't remember anymore.


| Jeffrey Watts                     |
| watts at            o-------------------------------------o
| Systems Programmer            | "Over himself, over his own mind    |
| Sprint - Systems Management   |  and body, the individual is        |
o-------------------------------|  sovereign."                        |
                                |  -- John Stuart Mill, "On Liberty"  |

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