Success -- MySQL / MyODBC install

Frank Wiles frank at
Fri Apr 7 17:14:01 CDT 2000

 .------[ michael d hoskins wrote (2000/04/07 at 11:32:40) ]------
 |  [...snip...]
 |  MySQL had one main design goal.  They wanted to be as SQL compliant as
 |  possible (eventually) while having as much speed as possible.  They're
 |  very close to that goal...  So, transactions, foreign keys, replication,
 |  etc. are gone.

    Last time I checked MySQL was only faster on SELECTs vs. PostgreSQL. 
    Granted, most database transactions are SELECTs, but if you're doing
    a lot of data analysis on LOTS of data.  Slow writes become a big

    The other main problem I see with MySQL is it's sometimes-free
    sometimes open-source license.  I have a rule of thumb I use in
    database development.  "If PostgreSQL can't handle it, then we need
    Oracle or Sybase."

  Frank Wiles <frank at>

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