Knoppix question

Brian Kelsay Brian.Kelsay at
Thu Dec 30 14:27:01 CST 2004

Again, find the right tool for the job.  DamnSmall boots fast and has GUI editors that don't need a lot of RAM.  DamnSmall does have some quirks, but they are easy to figure out.  Mounting HDD partitions RW was a bit stubborn, but doable and certain functions are best done from a Root xterm or from their hacked file manager.  It has some features built-in to get around problems if you know what you are doing, but not allow a newbie to do stuff by mistake.

Brian Kelsay

>>> Leo Mauler <> 12/30/04 02:16PM >>>

True enough.  I've always thought a "crawl" basically
meant "a speed wherein it takes longer to open the
application than it does to finish some real work on
the application."

KNOPPIX in 96MB means I usually type things in a CLI
editor anyway, even if its in an XTerm window.  KWrite
or GEdit if I'm desperate for a GUI Editor.

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