RPMs and Debs creation

Brian Kelsay bkelsay at comcast.net
Wed Dec 8 19:29:24 CST 2004

Brian Densmore wrote:
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Brian Kelsay 
>>Checkinstall sounds like it watches the make install in a way 
> I didn't check out the docs on this, but the description in Jim's
> email seems to indicate it actually runs the dpkg/rpm commands
> also. So I would say it is watching the make install and then 
> doing a .deb/rpm install telling it to only update the installed 
> list. This looks like a very useful tool for persons not familiar
> with or too lazy to build a deb or rpm. By actually updating the
> installed software list once the package is installed it can now
> be safely and easily removed and reinstalled at ease.

That's what I gathered also.  After the package is built and installed, 
then you can use rpm or dpkg to remove it.

>>All this stemmed from the desire to create a .deb for Kiso 
>>and a few other programs that are only avail as source or 
>>.rpm, or the occasional  mdk rpm.
> I'd be willing to make .debs for any app anyone on the list wants to
> see a .deb for.

If you are up to it, kiso is here: http://kiso.sourceforge.net

Somewhere there is a village missing an idiot.

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