Semi-OT: Congress about to limit artists' copyright rights

Christofer C. Bell christofer.c.bell at
Sat May 31 20:06:24 CDT 2008

On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 5:23 AM, Billy Crook <billycrook at> wrote:

> On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 6:48 PM, Arthur Pemberton <pemboa at>
> wrote:
> > So if I make something, then in order for me to release it under the
> > GPL/BSD, I will have to pay?
> No.  You have to register your copyright if you think you have the
> right to tell other people they can't make money off of it.  A
> database of every greedy artist/author's works will be large, and
> require upkeep which should be paid for by the people who benefit from
> said database.
> And on a side note, if you released under the BSD license, it would
> generally mean you didn't give a damn about what people did with it,
> so you wouldn't need to register your copyright in order to sue.

This is where you lose any and all right to speak on this topic.  Your gross
characterization of artists and authors as "greedy" and your obviously
myopic view that something like the BSD license is applicable to an oil
painting on canvas, or a poem written on paper, show that you have no
comprehension of what you speak.

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