Fedora Server

Earle Beason Earle-Beason at kc.rr.com
Tue Oct 30 17:17:05 CDT 2007

I take the jab from LukeJr, and remind him of a previous conversation 
off line

however the actual reason is "Why not?,"

When I figure out how do do it with fedora, I am going to scratch it and 
repeat for ubuntu, suze, BSD, and whatever else comes across my hands. I 
know they are all pretty much the same in theory, but I have been told 
Fedora is the worst way to go for a beginner, er that is outside of 
slackware and the whole compile the kernel as you go; but when I get to 
that level and have a question, I'll ask......

But thanks to those who gave a "educational" response

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