Framing web pages

Arthur Pemberton pemboa at
Wed Mar 28 22:52:54 CDT 2007

On 3/28/07, Jonathan Hutchins <hutchins at> wrote:
> Before we get too far of track here, let me say that as far as I know, this is
> simply a matter of framing our site in a small frame from another site.
> While I'm only speculating on this, I believe the reason to do this is to take
> credit for ad clicks or views, or otherwise claim the traffic.  I have been
> to a few sites that will refer you to other sites and trap you in their
> frame; not having any patience with it I killed it and didn't look further.
> I believe some of the domain-camping "search" sites do this kind of thing as
> well; if they can get you to bookmark their page instead of the page you
> actually want, they get traffic credit.
> They aren't stealing anything by using the content.  The credits and site
> titles all appear.  This is no different commercially than you selling me a
> book, which I then put in a gift box and resell at a profit.  If they are
> claiming our ad revenue, that's theft.

Yah, I have no idea why people got so gun ho about this.

Fedora Core 6 and proud

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