anybody using SBC Yahoo DSL?

Jonathan Hutchins hutchins at
Fri Jan 7 19:13:52 CST 2005

On Fri, January 7, 2005 9:34 am, Garrett Goebel said:

> I've had Business Class (1.5Mb/386Kbs, 5 static ip) SBC DSL...

What's the pricing for that?  What do they actually bill after all the
fees and taxes are added?

What download speeds do you get?

I typically get ~350KB/s on downloads if I pick a decent server.

The SBC prices look very attractive if you can get the equivalent
performance to RR's $45/mo.

Does anybody know if they actually force rotation of IP addresses on their
"dynamic" accounts, or if they let them stay static like RR does?

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