Sending mail using smtp commands via telnet

Jason Munro jason at
Mon Aug 1 12:07:50 CDT 2005

On 11:59:45 am 08/01/05 "Rob Becker" <rbecker at> wrote:
> I'm working on testing that mail is delivered properly from outside
> our network, through our various virus and spam filters and to the
> appropriate email server.  I would like to telnet into one of our mail
> gateways and send a message from there destined to a new internal
> server.  I know how to telnet into the mail server, but I'm not
> finding the appropriate commands to actually send a message once I'm
> connected. Can anyone point me in the right direction.  My googling
> skills have failed me on this one since I can't seem to hit the magic
> phrase necessary to find a resource on this topic.  Any help,
> pointers, references greatly appreciate.
> Thanks.
> Rob

telnet localhost 25

HELO localhost
MAIL FROM:<jason at localhost>
RCPT TO:<jason at localhost>
some data


\__  Jason Munro
 \__ jason at

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