Shared teleconferencing in Linux

Brian Kelsay Brian.Kelsay at
Thu Oct 14 09:02:14 CDT 2004

If GnomeMeeting is on Knoppix, then I have it on my laptop, otherwise I could apt-get it real quick.  I know my usb webcam and sound works.  I'd have to bring some external speakers though, because the built-in ones suck.  I might even have a headset w/ mic around somewhere that I've never used.  If you bring the other half, then we'll do it.

Brian Kelsay

>>> "Brian Densmore" <> 10/14/04 08:51AM >>>
You know doing a gnomemeeting with a pair of linked
PCs would be a great demo day event. Maybe even a 
gnomemeeting meets netmeeting.

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