spamassassin question

Jeremy Turner jeremy at
Mon Oct 25 13:39:28 CDT 2004

On Mon, October 25, 2004 1:28 pm, Brian Densmore said:
> Thanks for the link. Seems I forgot to start spamd
> and needed to add a transport and a director to exim.
> Now to let it run for a while and see what happens.
> I'm also running spamhous RBL on it, but it's not catching
> very many of the spams. I may also have to upgrade my
> spamassassin to a newer version, according to the link you
> sent. Right now I'm hoping I didn't break anything, because there
> are some frozen messages on the system.

The logfiles are a good place to check for why a message is frozen. 
Unlike other apps, exim is pretty good at letting you know what's going

Also, you can run:

# exim -v -qff

and it'll force frozen messages to thaw and attempt to deliver/relay them,
giving you feedback as it goes.

Very handy!


Jeremy Turner <jeremy at>
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