spamassassin question

Brian Densmore DensmoreB at
Mon Oct 25 13:28:02 CDT 2004

Thanks for the link. Seems I forgot to start spamd
and needed to add a transport and a director to exim.
Now to let it run for a while and see what happens.
I'm also running spamhous RBL on it, but it's not catching
very many of the spams. I may also have to upgrade my 
spamassassin to a newer version, according to the link you
sent. Right now I'm hoping I didn't break anything, because there
are some frozen messages on the system.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeremy Turner 
> On Mon, October 25, 2004 11:48 am, Brian Densmore said:
> > Ok today, I tried something to get spamassassin working on my box.
> >
> > The mail arrived in the regular mailbox, but I got this message
> > back from the server:
> >
> [SNIP]
> > So what have I done wrong here? Does the "rescue" message
> > mean it sent it without filtering, and that is why I got the mail?
> >
> > my .forward looks like this for the time being:
> > |/usr/bin/procmail
> > /home/brian/Maildir
> >
> > I may have to do some tweaking in my ~/.procmailrc file, 
> but it looks like
> > procmail is functioning, but I need to tweak spamassassin.
> I'm confused... is exim sending your mail through the .forward file
> mechanism to procmail who then sends it to spamassassin?  
> What version of
> exim do you have?
> There are some good writeups on how to integrate spamassassin 
> and exim at:
> I think the stock install of exim3 or exim4 on debian will 
> check for the
> procmailrc file and attempt to run that before it looks for a .forward
> file, so you might not even need that step.
> Jeremy

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