Using a router server to filter the Internet?

Leo J Mauler webgiant at
Wed May 5 02:43:02 CDT 2004

On Tue, 04 May 2004 13:40:30 -0500 "James Sissel"
<jamessissel at> writes:
> > Ya know, I was just thinking about being 16. If my 
> > parents had tried something like this, I probably 
> > would have cracked it in a matter of days. 
> > Just some thoughts. Granted, most kids wouldn't 
> > be able to accomplish something like this but I 
> > think the point is that kids will find it /somehow/ 
> > no matter what you do.
> What about putting the PC in the kitchen or living 
> room and watching where your children are going?  
> That has always proven effective.  But alas, it 
> requires parents.

If you don't have anything nice to say about someone, don't say anything
at all.

Having said that, I just can't avoid saying that my nephew's computer is
about five feet from my father-in-law's home office and my
father-in-law's computers, and my nephew is usually unsupervised on the
Internet whether or not my father-in-law is in his home office.

HTTP logging sounds like my father-in-law.  I'm going to have to think a
long time about whether or not to tell him about HTTP logging.

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