Third Choice of Linux Distro?

Leo J Mauler webgiant at
Wed Mar 31 12:09:15 CST 2004

On Mon, 29 Mar 2004 23:50:00 -0600 Brian Kelsay <bkelsay at>
> Jonathan Hutchins wrote:
> > For you, Leo, my recommendation would be to build 
> > a Linux From Scratch installation.  That way there are 
> > no conspiracies, there is no-one to blame but yourself 
> > for anything that's not the way you want it to be.  
> > You get exactly what you decide to get.
> And when he asks what car he should buy, you reply, 
> why not build your own?  It'll only take you 3 weeks 
> longer.  I'd only do it on a dare, when I had no pressing 
> engagements.  I wouldn't wish a full Gentoo build on 
> someone unless they actively sought it out on their own 
> like I did.  Reserve a week of evenings and it's doable.  
> Oh, yeah.  Don't emerge world too soon, some minor 
> update to X will throw you into a multi hour or multi day 
> upgrade.  I grant you that there is a lot to be learned 
> from a LFS or Gentoo build, but I won't do it again 
> soon.  I'll save my energy for a Knoppix remaster.

No kidding.  LFS isn't just building your car from scratch, its building
yourself a forge and making your own car parts out of iron ore.  Not to
mention learning how to refine your own crude oil into gasoline.

> It's Debian in some form for me.  Knoppix, Morphix, 
> Mepis, DamnSmall, Flonix.  SystemRescueCD is good 
> too, based on Gentoo. And I like IPCop on the firewall, 
> based on RedHat 7.3.

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On Mon, 29 Mar 2004 10:40:05 -0600 "Brian Kelsay" <BLKELSAY at>
> SDF is the "ISP" where he has a shell account.  He wrote about this a 
> few months back.  Pay a onetime fee of $1, plus any donation if you 
> want and you get a shell account to play with and a small server 
> space for a website, mail server, etc.  You can get to it via 
> .  I just checked the link.  Mind like a 
> steel trap I tell you.

The interesting bit is that they're an ISP now too.  $14 a month,
nationwide numbers.  And all of it runs on NetBSD 1.6.

> Brian Kelsay
> >>> "Brian Densmore" <> 03/29/04 08:36AM >>>
> -----Original Message-----
> >From:        Leo J Mauler
> >I tried chpass and chsh, but neither one seemed to make a 
> difference.  I
> >don't have direct access to /etc/passwd (its a shell account on 
> SDF).
> Well it is entirely possible that you are restricted to a certain 
> shell,
> if you are on someone else's machine. Have you been able to 
> determine if 
> there is even any other shell installed? 
> BTW who is SDF?
On Tue, 30 Mar 2004 09:11:20 -0600 KRFinch at writes:
> My brother sent me this link.  Pretty dang cool.
> - Kevin
> ----- Forwarded by Kevin R. Finch/Winchester/DST/US on 03/30/2004 
> 09:10 AM
> -----
> This guy is running a web server off his 1986 Mac Plus.  Using 
> floppies!
> (Takes a while to load -- floppies aren't that fast, I guess)

Ahhh, brings me back to the good old days of BBSes, when BBS systems were
run off daisy-chained floppy drives (5 floppy drives on an Apple II) and
sometimes when you were downloading a message would pop up: "Please Wait
For The Sysop To Change The Floppy Disk".  The file you wanted was on
another floppy disk and the sysop would have to physically swap out the
floppy disk and put in the one with the requested file on it.

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