Democrats Tap Open Source

James Sissel jamessissel at
Wed Jun 30 17:09:44 CDT 2004

>Charles, Joshua Micah (UMKC-Student) wrote:
>*From WordNet (r) 2.0 
><>: *
>  liberal
>            n 1: a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and
>            reform and the protection of civil liberties [syn:progressive 
>            [ant: conservative 
>liberalism == communism?

This is exacly why the Democratic Party are not liberals but rather 
socialists.  Let's call them what they are.  And the rules seem to apply for 
all ... except them, of course.

The Republicans are just as bad but definately favor business, if it's their 
business.  They have more of a "Mob" mentality.  I really think The 
Godfather would be Republican.

Both have problems with something they cannot control.  Linux is something 
they cannot control.  So unless they have a use for it, like doing a better 
job than M$ and saving them money, they will fight against it.  Yes, even 
the Democrats.  They might say they are against big business and love Unions 
so you'd think anything anti-M$ they would love.  But if M$ goes under and 
Linux takes over what Union are they going to rob blind?

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