US IT jobs going overseas creating 'IT Rust Belt'.

Jason Clinton me at
Mon May 12 18:38:28 CDT 2003

Mailing List Account for Jason Runyan wrote:

>Take it off list.  I have no interest in reading the ramblings of computer
>geeks on economic indicators, and capatlism vs socialism.  We all have our
>opinions, yet I doubt anyone on this list are economists of any merit.  This
>list discusses Linux and related subjects.  The job market, and its
>surrounding politics may be apropriate, but bashing the President and talking
>economic theory are not.
I'm pissed. If you don't want to read a huge flame, skip the rest of
this message.

I /hate/ this trend in society. The one that says it's no longer okay to
have an opinion; to express your viewpoint with your colleagues. The
people on this list are our compatriots and for the most part, we have
like-minded views of the world in which we live.

This is a mailing list for people who use Linux. Not a mailing list for
Linux. Would you chastize someone in the same way you just did above for
talking about politics at a LUG meeting?

I do not aggree with the parent poster's assesment of history, but I'm
glad he's expressing his dissent. Sometimes I feel as though I'm
shouting at the wind; I'm crying fire to people in a burning house that
don't believe the house is on fire. I'm /glad/ that I still know a
handful of people who can stomach the disdain we get for pointing out
everything that is fucked up in this world.

If you don't want to share the human experience with the rest of us, I
suggest you stop thinking for yourself. The simple truth of the matter
is, there is no way to construct a 'sanctioned' place for discussion of
democracy. In such an environment, we cannot find people who share are
unique identities with which to relate. /We must discuss such things
with the people we understand./

Politics, economics and governement policy affect us all - even Linux
users. This parent topic is about jobs in the IT industry and how the
aforementioned PEG's affect it. It's certainly on topic and certainly
our duty as the citizens affected by these policies to say something
about it. If you have someone contructive to add to the coversation, I
suggest you simply add it. If you don't, or don't care for the
conversation, stop reading the thread.

Discussion, dissent and debate are the democracy our population is fast
losing its grasp on.

Jason Clinton
I don't believe in witty sigs.

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