Running a small server...memory troubles...

Matt G linux at
Fri Jun 27 14:21:55 CDT 2003

> That looks pretty normal for a relatively inactive server. If you were
> to get much traffic
> apache would probably start up more copies. Also the getty are your
> virtual terminals.

Ok...there must be another problem.  Like before...the system grinds to a
halt.  I can't even log in now.  (My wife is resetting the box.)

Here are some other factors...maybe these have something to do with it?  I
have a domain name.. hosted at, that points to
this server.

Also, I am using a linksys router at home...forwarding some select port to
this server.  Like...  80, 21-23 etc.

If it's nothing something like that, it has to be a hardware issue, don't
you think?

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