Strange email messages

David Holland david at
Mon Jun 9 19:34:59 CDT 2003

Hello all.  This isn't a linux related question but I'll ask it anyway.

The company I work for has been getting some strange email messages and
we think its from an ex-employee but have no way to prove it.  From what
I understand of HTML you can embed a link in a message that will grab
pictures or text from a web page and make it appear as part of the email
message.   If this is true, then I could embed a link to a hidden
location on my web page and log any attempts to access it.  This would
tell me, at the very least, the recipients IP address and maybe
geographic location.   

Has anyone tried this before?  Does anyone know where I might find more
info on how to create such an HTML tag?  Any advice is welcome.





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