The SCO mess and an SEC complaint

Jason Clinton clintonj at
Wed Jul 23 15:59:45 CDT 2003

It would be difficult for me recap all of the SCO related news items
that have graced the front pages of tech web sites in the past few weeks
but it's certainly worth mentioning /several times /that SCO is going to
start demanding that businesses pay SCO a licensing fee if they're using
Linux. The word extortion comes to mind -- it's theorized that SCO will
be demanding the same licensing rates that they have for UnixWare:
$1,500 a seat.

An Aussie LUG recently filed a complaint with the Austrailian equivalent
of the SEC. I think it's about time we did the same here in the States.
If SCO can't substantiate their claims, they need to stop making false
and misleading statements about Linux in the market place.

I think I'm angry enough to write the letter to the SEC. Would anyone
else be interested in signing said letter before I send it?

Just my three trits. GPG Fingerprint:
7A81 0A2F 1ABE DC38 DABC  7C22 B2EE 2304 4A89 46BF

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