Open source vs. Open wife

david at david at
Fri Jan 17 17:07:07 CST 2003

on 1/17/03 10:37 AM, Phoenician at phoenician at wrote:

> Just out of curiosity, how many have a non-technical SO (significant other)
> who's eyes glaze over when you tell them about your day (if you work with
> PCs),
> your hobby(ies), latest gadget, or some such?  How do you handle it?
> I only ask because my fiancé will ask me about my day, what I am tinkering
> with
> or why I am in the basement hooting and hollering like a chimp :> but when I
> tell
> her about it she starts to she starts to fidget.  Things are fine between
> the two
> us but I was curious about other peoples stories.
I had the same problem, here is what worked for me. Instead of telling her
everything just give a brief run down and then if she wants to know more she
will ask. 

This is what helped me get my wife to switch from win to full time linux on
the desktop. It just took letting her ask the questions instead of me
telling her a lot of stuff she did not understand or care about at the time.
Now she uses Linux with more ease than the other platform she used to work


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