frontpage apache question

Dale dale_n_ks at
Tue Jan 14 12:19:34 CST 2003

This is true.. but it has to be a server side problem
since the exact same pages on a server running 2K
server works fine.  
Therefore I need to get the scripts running on a Linux
box so I can get rid of the yucky windows box.
> Before we get too far into trying to solve a
> JavaScript problem 
> with a Java manual, let's clarify things.
> Java and JavaScript are quite different from each
> other.
> Java is typically a server side application,
> requiring
> a client-side plug-in to work in any browser. 
> JavaScript is typically a client side application,
> built in
> to all browsers since 1994 as a way of rendering
> document objects. This is called DHTML.
> Thus your problem with "Apache not serving .js
> files"
> is probably not an Apache problem, since Apache's
> only relationship with .js is like any other simple
> text file;
> basically, if Apache is working at all, it's able to
> serve
> js files.
> Therefore, look at your Frontpage or browser
> settings
> to see why .js is not working.
> -Jared
> majordomo at
> Enter without the quotes in body of message

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