SCO's Linux "Expert" Contradicts Linus

Brian Kelsay BLKELSAY at
Wed Dec 24 16:36:09 CST 2003
Funniest Story of the Day: SCO's Linux "Expert" Contradicts Linus

—------------------------------Some Quotable Quotes------------
I've got it! SCO cooked up this whole thing to get a movie of the week and a
book deal.
It was so obvious I can't believe I didn't see it sooner. 
By claiming rights to these files, even if they don't claim the infringement is
by IBM, these claims open them up to Lanham Act violations.

SCO's expert (if he or she exists) will therefore be in the position of having
to argue that he knows more about Linux and these particular files, than Linus
Torvalds, the author of these particular files.
Caldera International /dba The SCO group has just publically stated that their
business was founded with the explicit purpose of promoting and distributing
materials that were infringing on Novell's intellectual property rights.

They have further indicated that the Santa Cruz Operation /dba Tarantella, Inc.
was derelict in their contractual obligation to Novell to protect against
violations by licensees of UNIX SysV. They further indicate that by founding
Linux Mall and contracting with a variety of corporations to develop and
distribute Linux the Santa Cruz Operation was acting illegally.

They further state that for the years subsequent to their acquisition of the SSD
and PSD divisions of SCO that they continued in violation of any contractual
obligations that they inherited toward Novell as well as acting in violation of
federal law.

Finally, they alledge that AT&T deliberatly acted to deprive all licensees
of their ownership rights ("pursuit of happiness" in the words of
the founding fathers) in the derivatives which they were lawfully authorized to
create, an intention specifically disclaimed by duly authorized agents of that
organization in sworn testimony.

Their argument seems to be equivalent to stating that all computer operating
systems are derived from Alan Turing's grocery list of April 6, 1946.
SCO keeps describing L.T. as some sort of socialist / communist: from the story
"social revolutionary". Many people have not picked up on this
aspect of the FUD. Paint L.T. as "un-American" and possible worse...
>From what I have read, L.T. is an engineer.
The clock is ticking, SCO. January 11th. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Brian Kelsay

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