Wiki software suggestions...

Matt G linux at
Thu Dec 11 05:50:15 CST 2003

> On Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 11:10:31AM -0600, Matt G wrote:
> > Hey Guys.
>  <snip>
> > Does anyone have some suggestions on wiki software that you've liked
> I've had good success with UseModWiki
> I've recently moved to Apache::MiniWiki and like it quite a bit as well.
> since I notice you're using debian, one of these commands may help you:
> apt-cache search wiki
> apt-get install usemod-wiki
> apt-get install libapache-miniwiki-perl

That totally helps..I got usemod-wiki installed pretty quickly.  I like it a
lot.  I'm also wanting to try miniwiki.  Maybe you can help me with an
install question.

I did as the README in /usr/share/doc/libapache-miniwiki-perl says to do.  I
have this:

  <Location /wiki>
    PerlAddVar datadir "/home/mdg/db/wiki/"
    PerlAddVar vroot "/wiki"
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler Apache::MiniWiki

in my httpd.conf in between the perl module <IfModule mod_perl.c> tags.

I've also added to my /home/mdg/db/wiki/ folder, all 4 *,v files from the
/usr/sare/doc/libapache-miniwiki-perl/examples dir.

So...what now?  Basically, the doc say something like "and after that,
restart apache, and you're all set."  But, how do I start it up?  I read
something like...if you want to edit the template, go to<yourwikivroot>/(edit)/template.  I tried that with my host
and my root, and I got 404's.  So, mine looked like

should something like that work?  or am I missing something here?

thanks for any input.


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