Job Skills - And my silly one-liner

Dustin Decker dustind at
Fri Sep 20 14:10:57 CDT 2002

On Fri, 20 Sep 2002, Aaron wrote:

> I know this sounds like BS, but think of it this way;  It's part of the body
> language package.  You do it for the same reason you don't pick your teeth
> or nose, or sit with your arms crossed in front of you staring at the floor
> when you talk.  It's all part of the social game.

Oh man - I'm screwed.  I pick my nose all the time! <grin>

| Dustin Decker                     |
| dustind at       *-----------------------------------------*
| |                                         |
| Moon-Lite Computing         | Majority, n.:                           |
| 913.579.7117                | That quality that distinguishes a crime |
*-----------------------------| from a law.                             |
                              |                                         |

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