What is Linux to you?

JD Runyan jrunyan.lists at dms.nwcg.gov
Wed Oct 30 15:59:02 CST 2002

On Wed, 2002-10-30 at 14:31, Jeremy Fowler wrote:
> I was just play'n... ;-)
> ...and sorry if I offend any job corps kids!
Offend them away,  When I was in EMS, there were job corps kids who
would start a class, and after they met their quota to keep thier
houseing, would just drop the class.  So not only was our tax money
paying to take care of a lot of the kids indefinately, but it was paying
for classes that kids had no intention in ever finishing.  This seems to
be par for the course with job corps.
> Gawd knows ya must of had your reasons... :-P
yes, but those are questionable now.

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