Red Hat

JD Runyan jrunyan.lists at
Fri Oct 25 21:21:17 CDT 2002

I use whatever floats my boat.  Right now it is SuSE, but who knows
what's next.  There aren't many RH derivatives left, unless you count
those that started based on RH 6.2 and have evolved since then.

On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 20:28, Jason wrote:
> All,
> I'm not trying to start anything here, but I have a question...
> I come and go on this list every now and then and I have to wonder....
> Does anyone on this list use any distros other than RedHat or Debian or a 
> RedHat derivative for that matter?
> Kind regards,
> Jason
Jason D. Runyan
Mid-Range Systems

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