dinner with IBM

JD Runyan jrunyan.lists at dms.nwcg.gov
Tue Oct 22 11:15:40 CDT 2002

IBM thinks nothing of the sort.  You were probably talking to some sales
goon, or other non-technical staff.  They may have bought a Linux
Company, and had some party about that.

On Tue, 2002-10-22 at 11:07, david nicol wrote:
> I had a social dinner with someone who works for IBM last week;
> at some point we talked about Linux.  Everything she knew about
> Linux, she had learned at the "Linux aquisition kick-off event."
> So apparently within IBM they think they "acquired" Linux.  Or
> at least that is the impression amongst certain internal staff.
Jason D. Runyan
Mid-Range Systems

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