Newbie-ish Question

Jason Clinton clintonj at
Tue Oct 22 09:11:48 CDT 2002

Hash: SHA1

Jeffrey R Perry wrote:
|     I have a beige box that's running RedHat 6.2. After last weeks
|     meeting, I decided to upgrade with the RedHat 8.0 CD so generously
|     provided to me.
|     Anyway, when I get to the point where I choose whether to install
|     from CDrom or Hard Drive, I choose CDrom and then the installer says
|     it needs a driver disk or to chose one of the drivers included.
|     None of the 5 work. I've tried downloading the driver for the CDrom
|     which also doesn't work. What am I doing wrong and how could I do it
|     right?
|     Thanks,
|     Jeff

Assuming that you have booted from the CD, bootable CD's are accomplished using
the El Torrito standard which is effectively an image of a 1.4mb floppy at the
beginning of a CD that the BIOS reads and loads in to ram as an opperating
system. Once the BIOS lets go and lets the OS take over, if the OS loaded
doesn't have a driver for your CD-ROM drive, it may not go any further.

What brand of CD-ROM drive do you own? Is it really old? Is it connected through
a sound card instead of the IDE cable?

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