Has Linux gone binary?

Hanasaki JiJi hanasaki at hanaden.com
Mon Oct 21 08:22:50 CDT 2002

and at 180 degrees... www.gentoo.org

Andrew Bates wrote:
> I assume you all notice a trend that has begun...
> people are asking about where to get an rpm.. rather than a source.. and
> they are asking about certain distributions... has the idea of compiling
> your own optimized binary gone down the proverbial toliet? Let alone
> figuring out what libraries are needed? Or do users just not realize 
> that Linux is Linux?
> I'd like to see what everybody thinks :)
> - Andrew

=       http://www.sun.com/service/sunps/jdc/javacenter.pdf        =
=    www.sun.com | www.javasoft.com | http://wwws.sun.com/sunone   =
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