Earth is coming to an end?

zscoundrel zscoundrel at
Tue Oct 15 14:23:24 CDT 2002

Yeah, I guess they are relaxing the entry requirements for Journalists. 
  It used to be they wanted a high school diploma and at least a 
bachelors degree in English or Arts and Sciences.

Now I guess you can become and reporter or a columnist with note from 

My daddy always told me that things were usually only worth what you 
paid for 'em - or less.  This is especially true of the internet.

Brian Densmore wrote:

> Ummm... it's called a solar flare. Quite normal considering the sun's
> energy output has been increasing and decreasing in 22 year cycles
> within another cycle of 110 years. Heat will only cause it to "burn"
> more fuel thus shrinking in size as the atomic weights increase as a
> result of fusion thereby generating larger gravitational pull and
> greater heat. Funny I thought this was October and not April. hmmm. have
> to check that atomic clock, may need some more radium isotope!
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Mark Hutchings [mailto:mark at]
>>Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 1:47 PM
>>To: kclug at
>>Subject: OT: Earth is coming to an end?
>>The Sun is overheating and will soon blow up . . . taking 
>>Earth and the rest of 
>>the solar system with it, scientists warn. 
>>The alert was issued after an international satellite 
>>photographed a massive 
>>explosion on the surface of the Sun that sent a plume of fire 
>>30 times longer 
>>than the diameter of Earth blasting into space. 
>>majordomo at

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