For Kansans Only - Microsoft settlement at stake

zscoundrel zscoundrel at
Tue Oct 15 11:53:57 CDT 2002

Bill is welcome to personally come to my house and try to tell me to 
stop using it on my wife's machine.

That would REALLY make my day!!!

(It would also probably make him a lot uglier than he already is!)

Mark Hutchings wrote:

> Neither that or tell Kansas to stop using their (Microsoft) products all 
> together.  If you read the license agreement, no one owns the software that 
> they purchased except Micosoft, and Microsoft has the full right to make you 
> stop using it.  They never pushed this yet, but they have their right to do it 
> since they "agreed" by it when they installed it.
> Quoting Jonathan Hutchins <hutchins at>:
>>I hate to tell you this, but Microsoft could loose the business of the
>>entire state of Kansas and never even notice.

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