How is ITEC going?

Jim Herrmann JimH at
Thu Oct 10 14:45:27 CDT 2002

The CDs were wiped out the first day!  We had to burn more last night. 
Monty's cards went like hot cakes.  He had to print many more last night.  

The VP of Marketing for Red Hat, Mark DeVisser, gave us a box of 100 copies of
Red Hat 8.0 to give out after his presentation.  There was a mad rush to the
booth to get the copies.  The 100 copies were gone as fast as they could be
handed out.  Hal says it took 30 seconds.  :-)  

Everything is going well, there are many people stopping by who are already
using Linux, many who thinking seriously about converting, and quite a few who
say they use it extensively.  I'm sure our mailing list size will increase
significantly, and we'll probably have more people show up at the meetings. 
We should probably have copies of distros at the meeting to give out to new

I have some pictures from yesterday that I will try to get up in a photo album
this evening.


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