Gentoo Linux

Duane Attaway dattaway at
Wed Oct 9 03:42:04 CDT 2002

I had a grub problem where I had compiled and installed everything from a 
faster computer to be booted on an older processor.  I would find out grub 
compiled for Pentium III code would not work on the orignial Pentium.

Another case like this I had was never bothering to power down the
computer after changing head/track/sector counts and rebooting.  I guess
the bios only checks this during a cold boot, not during a warm boot.

On Wed, 9 Oct 2002, Lucas Peet wrote:

> It's a 6GB drive partitioned as so:
> hdc1 - /boot - 300Mb
> hdc2 - swap  - 384Mb
> hdc3 - /     - Rest of drive

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