ITEC Setup

Jim Herrmann JimH at
Tue Oct 8 11:43:48 CDT 2002

Hal can't answer your question until this evening, since he is at Bartle Hall.
 I plan on running over there at lunch today, and I will pass on the question.
 I'll send an update to the list of what is going on at the setup.


Jason Clinton <clintonj at> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hal Duston wrote:
> | OK, I will try to be at Bartle by 9 or 10 Tuesday morning
> | to get started on setting up.  We need to have everything
> | done before 6:00.  Once again the actual show runs on the
> | 9th and the 10th from 10AM until 4PM.  Free parking is at
> | the downtown airport with a shuttle running every fifteen
> | minutes.
> |
> | I have about 100 sqft of carpet and 2 six foot shelves in
> | my car ready for the first trip.  Remember I need to have
> | access to any equipment you want to loan to the group for
> | the show in enough time to have it  set up before leaving
> | at the end of Tuesday.
> |
> I had to run in to the office to take care of a problem, I need to be able
> burn CDs but also my computer is one of the ones I was hoping to demo. If I
> brought my PC in the morning (because I will be burning all day) would that
> work
> for you or should I bring it this afternoon and then lug it back home in the
> evening to continue burning?
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (MingW32)
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