Missing Gnome Panel RedHat 7.3

Moss, Jon jmoss at blackwellsanders.com
Tue Oct 8 09:27:10 CDT 2002

My root user is the only one who uses Gnome, but for the past couple of
weeks, the Panel doesn't load on startup.  I did a quick search last night
on Deja at Google and found one entry that said to go to a shell and type
"panel&" which I did and it did load the Panel.  However, I would like to
fix it so that it launches automatically on login. I also reviewed the Gnome
Users Guide, but couldn't find anything about how to launch Panel, just how
to use it.  I search through lots of man pages, but wasn't immediately
finding what I needed.  By the way, is there a fast way to search through
man pages in the GUI?

Where is the Panel program located?  Where do I tell Gnome to load it on

Thanks in advance for all your help!

Jon Moss

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