ITEC and a Giant Penguin?

Jason Clinton clintonj at
Thu Oct 3 16:09:43 CDT 2002

Hash: SHA1

So, about ITEC... we've got the software we're distributing down.

What about hardware set up? From the floor plan
( it appears
that we have a pretty small booth. What sort of tables are provided by itec?
Would it be possible to jury-rig a simple structure that would be able to
support the weight of a giant penguin contructed from trash bags over the top of
the booth? I have a couple of cheap-plug-in halogen lights that could be hung
from the support structure as well to give a more 'professional' appearance to
the consoles we'll be allow people to play with.  I could even bring an
super-bright LCD projector if we could come up with something pertinnent to
project on a screen.

Also, I could bring my linux desktop setup complete with a concealable TV
attanae and TV tuner card and cute tunner app, Quake 3, Mozilla 1.1, Gnome 2,
OpenOffice, etc, etc, but my monitor is about 5 years old and has yellowed a
bit. I would rather not put that on display. :)  Anyone have a nice flat screen
or LCD they would be willing to lug to this event?

Is a network connection provided by itec?
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