Free Software CD for people who currently use Win32

Jared Smith jared at
Tue Oct 1 15:24:55 CDT 2002

All of the following software is free for anyone to use. Most of it is also open source.

The point is to give a wide variety of quality software on a single CD without 
overwhelming someone, so he feels comfortable browsing through software he may never 
use. Hopefully, he will either replace or extend a proprietary software package he
currently uses. Few people will use all of this software, but most people will find 
at least one software package useful for their needs. As far as I know, all of this 
software is reasonably mature or very mature--I have not used all of it; this list 
is condensed from other similar lists with a wider scope. Programming languages are 
not included because it is assumed programmers are somewhat familiar with how to go 
to Google, download, and install things like Perl, PHP, Ruby, Python, and so forth.

What have I left off? If I have given an inaccurate/incomplete description of a 
software package you know, let me know, since this list will accompany the CD.

MySQL            - fast SQL database server like MS SQL Server                  
Apache           - high performance HTTP server, more secure than IIS            
Ethereal         - GUI network protocol analyzer                                
OpenOffice       - Open source office suite like MS Office                      
Snort            - Libpcap packet sniffer/logger/lightweight IDS                
Celestia         - 3D space simulation with incredible screen views             
Freeciv          - multiuser Civilization game                                  
GRASS            - Geographic Information System browser                        
QCad             - CAD program                                                  
Amaya            - HTML editor/browser                                          
Blender3D        - 3D animation studio                                          
VirtualDub       - a video capture/processing utility                           
JEdit            - programmer's text editor                                     
Sqeakland        - idea processor, for children and grownups                    
R                - statistical computing similar to S                           
gnucleus         - online filesharing client                                    
ogg vorbis       - open, free audio technology                                  
dscaler          - TV and video deinterlacer: video to PC                       
Zinf             - audio player similar to WinAmp                               
Trillian         - instant messaging client                                     
Pop-Up Stopper   - block popup windows in IE                                    
WinPenguins      - screen filler                                                
Liquid War       - a very interesting game                                      
Jazz++           - full featured, audio capable midi sequencer                  
XaoS             - fast real-time fractal zoomer                                
Exact Audio Copy - read / rip and write audio CDs                               
Ghostscript      - display, print, and convert PDF                              
7-Zip            - extracts and compresses files, similar to WinZip             
PowerArchiver    - extracts and compresses files                                
Fractint         - create fractals                                              
IrfanView        - small, fast graphics file viewer | organize your images      
WinGIMP          - photo and image manipulation, similar to PhotoShop           
Mozilla          - powerful web browser, email reader comparable to IE          
Freenet          - a secure and anonymous version of the Internet               
HTTTrack         - web site copier                                              
PuTTy            - Telnet and SSH client                                        
WinJab           - instant messaging client                                     
ZoneAlarm        - personal firewall and intrusion alerter                      
Tux Racer        - a fun game                                                   
CDex             - extract audio files from CD to other forms                   
Fwink            - webcam application                                           
Vim              - powerful source code editor                                  
xxcopy           - powerful file copy utility                                   
metapad          - small, fast, and free text editor                            
LimeWire         - online filesharing client                                    
Miranda ICQ      - instant messaging                                            
IceBreaker       - a fun game                                                   
TuxTyping        - typing tutor                                                 
TightVNC         - virtual terminal control                                     
VideoLAN         - multimedia player, network video streamer                    
K-Meleon         - web browser, lighter than Mozilla                            
Phoenix          - web browser, like K-Meleon                                   
nmapNT           - network security tool | network scanner                      
OpenSSH          - SSH protocol suite                                           
Aggie            - network news aggregator                                      
VirtualDub       - video capture/processing utility                             
Audacity         - audio editor                                                 
Crack Attack     - 3D Tetris                                                    

These were distilled from lists at the following locations:


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