snap servers

Marvin GodfatherofSoul Bellamy mbellamy at
Fri Nov 15 15:44:05 CST 2002

We've had one of these in the in office for almost a year now and it's 
collecting dust because of some administration issues.  My question is, 
what does this device provide that couldn't be home grown with a simple 
Linux box?  I just took a quick look at its configuration files.  I see 
FTP, NFS, SMB, a cheesy web interface, and RAID 5.  What am I missing? 
 I think we threw away a lot of money on it.

 |/ ____ |/ | Marvin Keith Bellamy
  @~/ Oo ~@  | AKA GodfatherofSoul
 /_( __/ )_ | website:
    __U_/    | E-mail:   mbellamy at

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