OT and probably Politically INcorrect

Duane Attaway dattaway at attaway.net
Fri Nov 8 19:53:24 CST 2002

On Fri, 8 Nov 2002, zscoundrel wrote:

> kill" mentality.  One that the PC nazi's don't seem to take as much 
> offense to.  Kinda makes you wonder who is behind the Politically 
> Correct movement, don't it.

This is why I love getting news from the internet.  So many views of 
things that others actually find important that get scrutiny by a diverse 
audience.  The information from an internet forum seem more relavant than 
the newsfeed pumped from the traditional media industry.

> The Unabomber and Columbine were random acts commited by unbalanced 
> wackos with a sick agenda who had more initiative than sense.

There's a fascinating movie at the Tivoli in Manor Square, "Bowling for
Columbine."  It may offer a refreshingly different explaination for 
terrorism and biased news reporting.

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