Linux Replacement for Microsoft Exchange

hanasaki hanasaki at
Mon Mar 25 22:56:17 CST 2002

Have you looked at the iPlanet suite from Sun?

Aaron wrote:
> I'll look into this.  The key here is that the client can't do anyhting
> different.  They can't know the server has been replaced otherwise people
> start to complain and the powers that be will want to know why we had to
> change.
> Aaron
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Brian Densmore" <DensmoreB at>
> To: "KCLUG (E-mail)" <kclug at>
> Sent: Monday, March 25, 2002 10:11 AM
> Subject: RE: Linux Replacement for Microsoft Exchange
>>Also there is skyrix.
>>Not cheap, but it is a full replacement of exchange server, and then
>>There are other things out there. I just can't find them right now.
>>There are also many ways of putting several pieces together to make what
>>A scheduler is here (also not free as in beer):
>>and all you would need to do is configure it to work with say postfix.
>>And voila!
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Jeremy [mailto:enigmax at]
>>>Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2002 2:53 PM
>>>To: Aaron
>>>Cc: kclug at
>>>Subject: Re: Linux Replacement for Microsoft Exchange
>>>Bynari Insight Connector allows you to use any IMAP4 based
>>>server with MS
>>>Outlook (it's an extension to) that looks and acts *just*
>>>like an Exchange
>>>server, from scheduling calender / free busy etc.
>>>you could use their server (costs money), cyrus, Caldera's
>>>Volution, and SuSE
>>>Email Server 3 (I think.)
>>>On Sunday 24 March 2002 10:39 am, you wrote:
>>>>Here's a question for the group...
>>>>My boss is having fits with his exchange server.  I
>>>suggested a Linux
>>>>alternative for mail, like sendmail or qmail.  He's all for
>>>it and would
>>>>switch in a heartbeat, however, certain departments need
>>>the collaborative
>>>>side to sync their appointments, contacts, etc....
>>>>The question is.  Has anyone heard of a Linux product that
>>>will replace all
>>>>the features of exchange Server while still allowing the
>>>client side to
>>>>remain on exchange?
>>>>Any help is appreciated.
>>>majordomo at

= hanasaki at                                          =
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