JD Runyan Jason.Runyan at NITCKC.USDA.Gov
Fri Mar 1 16:12:13 CST 2002

On Fri, Mar ,  at 09:56:14AM -0600, david wrote:
> 15 to 1 if we're lucky, I always thought it was well over 1000 to 1.  I
> know many techs that are MCP or MCSE that think M$ products are the
> only-best thing out there.  There seems to be a rash of knuckle-dragger
> techs out there that are overly domesticated by the M$ point-and-click
> environment and are enthralled by anything and everything Microsoft (no
> matter how many bugs it has).  I guess that's what separates the
> technically educated from the technically minded.  
> DH
Funny how people buy the propoganda.  IT was getting my MCSE that pushed me
onto the M$ sucks bandwagon

JD Runyan
Mid-Range Systems Administrator
USDA NITC Kansas City

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