Apache redirect

Dustin Decker dustind at moon-lite.com
Tue Aug 27 14:00:33 CDT 2002

On Tue, 27 Aug 2002, Jason Clinton wrote:

> DCT Jared Smith wrote:
> >Problem is, when the new site goes live, no one will know how to get to it
> >because it's buried down in /public_html/pub/html/. I *know* that the
> >solution is a "redirection," but I don't know how to do it.
> >  
> You should never, ever, ever, ever, ever use HTTP REFRESH in a 
> index.html file as some on the list have indicated: It doesn't meet 
> accessibility standards, spiders don't update their indexs and more 
> importantly, it's not very nice to your browser's BACK button. (In fact, 
> this is one of the things listed in the book "Web Pages that Suck")

Honestly, I don't see any reason in this case (same box, etc.) why a 
redirect needs to be done for a significant length of time in the first 
place... get the new site done, and put it right where the old one was.
Problem Solved.


| Dustin Decker                     |
| dustind at moon-lite.com       *-----------------------------------------*
| http://www.dustindecker.com |                                         |
| Moon-Lite Computing         |                                         |
| 913.579.7117                |                                         |
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