Uninstall/Reformat HD

Tia Haenni thaenni at kc.rr.com
Thu Aug 22 01:16:43 CDT 2002

The issue was that the drive was not to be used to load an OS, but just
as a data drive. However, after reformatting for NTFS, on reboot, I got
the command line grub. By running fdisk /mbr I was able to restore the
win mbr. Thanks for everyone's input. 

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-kclug at marauder.illiana.net
[mailto:owner-kclug at marauder.illiana.net] On Behalf Of Dustin Decker
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 11:42 AM
To: kclug at kclug.org
Subject: RE: Uninstall/Reformat HD

On Wed, 21 Aug 2002, Jeremy Fowler wrote:

> Why don't you just boot off the Win2k CDROM? From there you can delete

> the existing partitions, create your NTFS install partition, and 
> install Win2k. It will then automatically rewrite your MBR and boot to

> Win2k after it's finished installing. That's the simplest way I know. 
> -Jeremy

I've already beat this dead horse with Tia - and it would appear that 
other data is still present on the drive, and a fear of loss is there.  
(Although it won't nuke it to my knowledge.)

I also sent explicit instructions on how to accomplish what Tia wanted 
to do, given that I understood another hard drive to be the boot device 
etc. Alas... instructions aren't worth much if communication is 
poo-pooing across the board.

[For heavens sake, trim those posts!]

| Dustin Decker                     |
| dustind at moon-lite.com
| http://www.dustindecker.com | "The assertion that 'all men are
| Moon-Lite Computing         | created equal' was of no practical use
| 913.579.7117                | in effecting our separation from Great
*-----------------------------| Britain and it was placed in the
                              | Declaration not for that, but for
                              | future use."
                              |		-- Abraham Lincoln

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