BIOS boot order

David Holland david at
Fri Aug 9 18:56:17 CDT 2002

Hello, I'm looking to install RedHat on my work machine and have a 4.3Gb
IDE I'm going use for Linux.  I don't want Redhat to install a boot
loader on my M$ drive so does anyone know if I can just change the boot
order in BIOS from IDE0 to IDE1 and boot that way?  During the install
Redhat will ask me where to put the boot loader either /dev/hda (MBR) or
/dev/hdb1 (First sector of boot partition) should I choose the latter?  
Or would it be easier to put the new drive in as secondary master,
unplug the primary master, set the boot order to IDE2, install Redhat
then plug the primary master in after the install?

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